The Atlanta VA Subcommittee on Research Safety (SRS) is
responsible for reviewing all research activities involving
biological, chemical, physical, and radiation hazards for
compliance with all applicable regulations, policies, and
guidelines. This
includes a review of all research applications for funding
that will be conducted at the VA facility or by VA personnel
with VA funding located off-site. This review includes a
risk assessment of the facilities, level of containment,
laboratory procedures, practices, training,
and expertise of personnel involved in the specific research
conducted including recombinant DNA research.
The Subcommittee on Research Safety is composed of Principal
Investigators, laboratory technicians, the Director of Research
Operations (ex officio), the Research & Development
Administrative Officer (ex officio), the Research & Development
Biosafety Officer, the Facility Radiation Safety Officer,
the Facility
Industrial Hygienist, the Infection Control Officer, the
Institutional Veterinarian, and at least one member not affiliated
with the VA Medical Center.
All research projects involving biological, chemical, physical,
and radiation hazards must be approved by SRS and then by
the R&D Committee prior to commencement. The SRS annually
reviews all active research protocols involving biological,
physical, and radiation hazards, regardless of funding status
or source under an investigator's Laboratory Annual Self-Inspection
Form (LASIF). The date of continuing review is based
on the date of SRS approval of the laboratory, not exceeding
one year from the date of the original project approval.
The SRS ensures that a complete list of all products containing
chemicals designated or identified by OSHA and/or EPA as "hazardous" has
been submitted to the Safety Officer for review and approval
prior to the submission of a protocol for local review. It
ensures the collection of appropriate personnel samples to
make employee exposure determinations whenever the proposed
use of laboratory chemicals may potentially exceed OSHA Permissible
Exposure Limits or Action Levels. The Committee supervises
the development of a policy for the preservation of employee
medical and OSHA exposure records and
environmental records (i.e., hazardous waste, air monitoring,
The Committee coordinates all safety-related activities
in research laboratories including mandatory and non-mandatory
training, safety inspections, accident reporting, and liaison
activities with all facility safety committees and officials;
to include: (a) coordinating follow-up evaluations to ensure
that deficiencies cited during inspections are permanently
and effectively abated, and (b) reporting follow-up results
to the R&D Committee.
The SRS reports operational problems or violations of directives
to the Research Safety Coordinator and the Research Office
within 30 days of occurrence or detection, unless SRS determines
that a report has been previously filed by the PI. The Committee
also identifies the need for health surveillance of personnel
involved in individual research projects; and if appropriate,
advising R&D Committee and Employee Health Practitioner
on the need for such surveillance.
The Subcommittee on Research Safety maintains documentation
of all SRS or equivalent subcommittee activities forwards
minutes to the Research Office, and ensures that all laboratory
personnel receive annual research specific safety training.
The Committee ensures coordination with other regulatory
programs, personnel, or committees, such as the Radiation
Safety Officer and/or Radiation Safety Committee.
Annual evaluations of the effectiveness of the laboratory's
Chemical Hygiene Plan and necessary revisions are completed
by the SRS. The Committee ensures the review of investigation
reports of all lost-time injuries and all significant adverse
environmental events, as well as the proper reporting of
injury and illness trends to the R&D Committee, as appropriate.
When appropriate, the SRS requests the appointment of an
ad hoc committee consisting of members with appropriate expertise,
to investigate and report on occupational injuries, illnesses,
and adverse environmental events. The Committee cooperates
with appropriate medical center personnel to review the quantity
and type of hazardous waste generated by each PI annually.
Finally, the SRS provides technical assistance in the reduction
of the quantity of waste and/or recycling programs, where