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Collaborative Efforts
The Atlanta Research & Education Foundation is designed to facilitate collaborations between the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Atlanta and other institutions. We welcome your interest in our facility, personnel, and research capabilities.

Working with the larger research community, AREF is one of the leading foundations in the country devoted to improving research, education, and ultimately healthcare for our nation's Veteran population.

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Investigator Profile Search Results

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Investigator: Michael Williams
Phone: (404) 321-6111 ext. 7981
Email: [email protected]
Primary Research Interest: Rehabilitative Medicine
Description of Research: Current research interests include: 1. The utilization of healthcare services and programs among older persons and how this process influences disparities in health and well-being; 2. Outcomes and program evaluation of VA-sponsored blind rehabilitation services; 3. Processes and issues surrounding family / informal caregiving for elderly disabled care recipients. 4. Evaluation of assistive technology and devices that target visually impaired and blind users. 5. Prevelence modeling of visually impaired populations.
Relevance to VA: My research focus and funding portfolio directly address the mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs by attending to “compensation for loss” issues and “quality of life” mandates. It is estimated that there are presently over 160,000 legally blind Veterans and as many as over 1.2 million Veterans who may have visual impairments including but not limited to legal blindness. As our Veteran population ages, these figures will continue to rise. With the changing demographic profile of our patient population and the increasingly complex needs of our Veterans, it has become even more important that the VA respond to changing service delivery demands. My areas of research are specifically aimed at addressing many of these challenges, particularly with respect to vision impairment and blindness.

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